Roundtable in Novosibirsk

18 of November prof. A. Sładkowski took part in the roundtable, which took place in the framework of the IX International Scientific-Technical Conference "Polytransport systems". The said conference was carried out in the Siberian Transport University (STU). The roundtable was held via videoconference. Prof. Sładkowski made a presentation on the topic "On the issue of commercialization of scientific journals". Despite some technical difficulties associated with communication, during the roundtable was able to discuss actual problems of the publication of articles in the rating journals. Prof. Mark Koryagin (Kemerovo, Russia) spoke as the co-rapporteur. The roundtable was attended by scientists of the STU, the Siberian Federal University and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The announcement about the round table on STU website

Presentation of prof. A. Sładkowski via videoconference


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