Conference in Oswiecim

On January 17 at the State Higher Vocational School named after captain W. Pilecki in Oswiecim, a conference entitled "Management and production engineering in the era of industry 4.0" was held. The mentioned conference is held periodically on the initiative of the Institute of Management and Production Engineering of this university. The eminent representatives of the world of science, practice and business engage in the implementation of this initiative. Silesian University of Technology was represented at this conference by prof. Aleksander Sładkowski and dr. eng. Grażyna Hat-Garncarz. During the conference, meetings with several representatives of this university were held, e.g. the director of the above-mentioned institute, dr. Joanna Stuglik and prof. Igor Kurytnik, the head of the department. The issue of inter-faculty scientific and didactic cooperation was discussed. During the plenary session of the conference, prof. A. Sładkowski had presentation entitled "Publication of articles in the field of transport and logistics in journals from WoS and Scopus databases", which met with great interest of listeners.

Rector of the State Higher Vocational School named after capt. W. Pilecki in Oswiecim prof. Witold Stankowski opens the conference

Conference participants during the plenary session


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