Meeting of transport scientists from all over the world in Katowice

"Transport Problems" is not only the title of the scientific journal published by the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), but also the name of international meetings of scientists organized by the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the SUT at the faculty headquarters and attractive places in southern Poland. As in previous years, the symposium and conference were held in a mixed mode, i.e. online and offline on Zoom and YouTube platforms.

The 13th Symposium of Young Scientists conducting research related to broadly understood transport issues was held on June 17-18, 2024, and the 16th International Scientific Conference "Transport Problems 2024" on June 19-21, 2024. These two events gathered 237 specialists from 20 countries, and 86 papers were published in a post-conference publication (conference proceedings) of approximately one thousand pages. This year, the Conference and Symposium were also held in conjunction with the events of the European City of Science - Katowice 2024.

Participants of the 13th Symposium of Young Scientists had the opportunity to visit the laboratories of the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the SUT, and independently control the movement of trains or drive cars on simulators

The conference was attended by scientists from Europe, Asia, and Australia, so it can be considered an important place for intercontinental scientific discussion on transport - an area so important for the economy. Before Russia attacked Ukraine, many conference participants also came from Russia and Belarus. After this event, the organizers excluded scientists from these countries from the scientific committee and did not allow the specialists representing these countries to participate in the discussions.

The plenary session of the conference took place at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the SUT. It was opened by the conference coordinator, prof. Aleksander Sładkowski. On behalf of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, patron of the conference, welcome speeches were delivered by the vice-rector, prof. Bogusław Łazarz. The patron of the conference is also the mayor of Katowice, dr. Marcin Krupa. On his behalf, Bogusław Lowak, the head of the Transport Department of the city of Katowice, addressed the conference participants and presented the city's achievements in the development of bicycle transport. The third patron was the National Representation of Doctoral Students, patronizing, in particular, the Symposium of Young Scientists "Transport Problems". The plenary session was attended by leading scientists from Poland representing all transport sectors, as well as representatives of the Road Traffic Department of the Police and the Provincial Road Transport Inspectorate. Then the deliberations were held in 8 sections. The presentations of scientists from Lithuania, France, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Italy, Slovakia, and Bulgaria aroused particular interest.

Plenary session of the conference

Vice-rector of the Silesian University of Technology prof. Bogusław Łazarz welcomes the conference participants

Particularly noteworthy are also the presentations of scientists from Ukraine, who could participate in them online, free of charge, as provided by the organizers. Unfortunately, in some cases, power outages occurred in Ukrainian cities during the bombings. Nevertheless, the indicated speeches took place anyway, because their presentations were sent to the organizing committee in advance.

Thanks to the hospitality of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Poland, conference participants staying in southern Poland were able to visit the car factory in Tychy, where 302,639 cars of various brands were produced last year alone. Currently, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Groupe PSA constitute the global Stellantis concern. During the presentation of the plant, conference participants could also see the Alfa Romeo Junior car, which will only be available in Poland in September 2024.

Conference participants visiting the production of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Poland

The cultural program of the symposium and conference was very extensive. Scientists from all over the world could visit the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec.

Conference participants at the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow

Visiting the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

In addition, the participants of the symposium and conference had the opportunity to learn about the culture and history of Poland, in particular the Silesian Museum in Katowice, the seat of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, as well as attractions of the Ojców National Park such as Pieskowa Skała Castle, "Mace of Hercules", and "Krakow Gate".

Conference participants in the courtyard of Pieskowa Skała Castle

Near the "Mace of Hercules"

Participants of the 13th Symposium of Young Scientists visit the Silesian Museum in Katowice

Visiting the headquarters of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice

For a long time, the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the SUT had a special friendship with colleagues from the nearby Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. A very interesting place for the symposium participants was the organ museum, which is located under the roof of the mentioned academy. This university boasts a recently installed modern organ in the concert hall. Their wonderful sound was presented to scientists personally by the rector of the Academy, prof. Władysław Szymański.

Visiting the organ museum

Rector of the Academy of Music, prof. Władysław Szymański (in the middle) with the symposium participants

The organizers and participants concluded that the 16th International Scientific Conference and the 13th Symposium of Young Scientists, held under the common name "Transport Problems", were undisputed successes. The organizers invite all scientists and practitioners interested in exchanging experiences in this discipline to the next edition, which will take place on June 23–27, 2025.


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