
  1. Есаулов, В.П. & Пройдак, Ю.С. & Губенко, С.И. & Сладковский, А.В. & Иськов, М. & Рубан, В.М. Исследование структурных изменений вблизи поверхности катания железнодорожных колес при эксплуатации. Вісник Дніпропетровського національного університету залізничного транспорту імені акад. В. Лазаряна. 2004. No. 5. P. 65-71. [In English: Esaulov, V.P. & Proydak, Yu.S. & Gubenko, S.I. & Sladkowski, A. & Iskov, M. & Ruban, V.M. Study of structural changes near the working surface of railway wheels during operation]. Attachment
  2. Сладковски, А. Каталогизация в логистике (Материалы блиц-опроса экспертов). Логистика: Проблемы и решения. 2011. No. 5. P. 14-15. [In Russian: Sladkowski, A. Cataloging in logistics (Materials of the blitz-survey of experts)]. Attachment
  3. Есаулов, В.П. & Сладковский, А.В. Разработка копировального инструмента для обточки колесных пар. Вестник ВНИИЖТ. 1991. No. 4. P. 34-36. ISSN 0042-4748. [In Russian: Esaulov, V.P. & Sladkowski, A. Development of a copying tool for turning of wheelsets]. Attachment
  4. Сладковский, А.В. & Есаулов, В.П. & Есаулов, А.Т. & Шевченко, Е.И. Математическое моделирование контактного взаимодействия в паре трения колесо-рельс. In: Износостойкость машин / Тез. докл. Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. Брянск. 1994. Ч. 3. P. 116. [In Russian: Sladkowski, A. & Esaulov, V.P. & Esaulov, A.T. & Shevchenko, E.I. Mathematical modeling of contact interaction in a wheel-rail pair of friction]. Attachment
  5. Sładkowski, A. & Pamuła, W. Preface. In: Sładkowski, A. & Pamuła, W. (eds.) Intelligent Transportation Systems – problems and perspectives. Studies in systems, decision and control 32. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer. 2016. P. V-VII. ISBN 978-3-319-19149-2. Attachment


Participation in the Erasmus program and conference in Sofia

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On September 15-21, 2024, prof. Aleksander Sładkowski visited Bulgaria. This regular visit was connected with two main events. One of these events was conducting...


Scientific Conference of the Best Scientists in the World – TOP 2%

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On September 9-11, 2024, the 1st Scientific Conference of the Best Scientists in the World – TOP 2% was held at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation...


Meeting of transport scientists from all over the world in Katowice

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"Transport Problems" is not only the title of the scientific journal published by the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), but also the name of...


Visit to Azerbaijan once again

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The ERASMUS+ program is initially aimed at developing cooperation in the field of education. Within its framework, it is possible to exchange teachers, staff, doctoral...
