For the fifteenth time, transport workers from all over the world were able to meet at the International Scientific Conference "Transport Problems"

"Problems of Transport" is not only the name of a scientific journal published by the Silesian University of Technology but also international meetings of scientists from many continents, organized by the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of this University in the premises of the Faculty, as well as attractive places in southern Poland. On 19-20.06.2023, the XII Symposium of Young Scientists Conducting Research Related to the Broadly Understood Problems of Transport was held, and on 21-23.06.2023 - the XV International Scientific Conference "Transport Problems 2023". These two joint events brought together about 250 specialists from 27 countries and 5 continents, and 85 reports were published in a post-conference publication (Conference Proceedings TP'2023) of about nine hundred pages. The continuous development of the conference is evidenced, first of all, by the fact that the organizers of the conference within the framework of the competition: Excellent Science – Support for Scientific Conferences prepared a project entitled "Intercontinental Conference: "Transport Problems" as an Element of Improving Polish Science" and as a result the conference was co-financed from the state budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science entitled "Excellent Science" project number DNK/SP/549716/2022, The amount of co-financing is PLN 145,200.00, while the total cost of the project is PLN 299,000.00. The first objective of this project was to finance simultaneous interpretation (according to needs) into three languages: Polish, English, and Russian (for participants from Eastern Europe and Asia who learned the language many years ago and still use it). There were no participants from Russia and Belarus in accordance with the guidelines. The importance of simultaneous interpretation was already demonstrated during the plenary, where many participants took advantage of this option, and it should be noted that there were usually about 20 participants from about 20 countries, but this year the number of countries has increased to 27. The organizers of the conference believe that the increase in the number of countries whose representatives participated in the conference is due to the possibility of simultaneous translation of conference materials. For the fourth time, participants who, for various reasons, could not get to the conference directly, were able to take part in it remotely, because the conference was organized in a mixed mode. As part of the second assignment of the above-mentioned project, the organizers applied for the purchase of three easily movable independent sets of equipment that allow discussions between groups of participants in the conference room and at their place of residence through a convenient Internet connection for conference participants. However, this task was changed during the evaluation of the application for the rental of this type of equipment, and, in the final version, it was decided to perform this task within the framework of equipment already tested by the organizers earlier, tested during the last three conferences. It should be noted that ensuring the high quality of the broadcasts of the meetings, which are relocated from the faculty building (plenary session) to the Grand Hotel in Częstochowa (parallel thematic sessions) on the Zoom and YouTube platforms, is a difficult technical task, but the organizers have completely coped with it.

The plenary session of the conference was held at the Faculty of Transport and Aeronautical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. It was opened by the coordinator of the conference, prof. Aleksander Sładkowski. Welcoming remarks were made by the patron of the conference, the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, and the Mayor of Katowice, dr. Marcin Krupa. The third patron is the National Representation of Graduate Students, which is the main patron of the Symposium of Young Researchers "Transport Problems". The plenary session was attended by leading scientists from Poland, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary, representing all transport industries, as well as representatives of the Traffic Department of the Police and the Voivodeship Road Transport Inspectorate. Subsequently, discussions were held in 10 sections in two parallel threads. Of particular interest were the presentations of the representatives of China, France, Jordan, and Slovakia.

During the plenary session, a cooperation agreement (MoU) was officially signed between the Institute of Control Systems from Baku (Azerbaijan) and the Silesian University of Technology. The above-mentioned agreement was signed by the Director General of the Institute of Control Systems, prof. Ali Abbasov, and the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk.

A certain tradition of the conference is the opportunity for its participants to get acquainted with the production industry of transport means, which is located in Southern Poland, in the operation of transport and logistics in our region. At the same time, participants will learn about regional history and culture. The 15th conference fully met these challenges. Participants of the conference and symposium could also become familiar with the production of car lighting elements at the Marelli Poland Sp. z o.o. - Automotive Lighting Factory, located in Sosnowiec, at which, importantly, the research and development department is also located. In addition, they could get acquainted with the functioning of the modern intelligent traffic control system ITS in Tychy. Visiting the ruins of the Royal Castle in Olsztyn near Częstochowa, the Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra, and the former Dietl Palace in Sosnowiec, they had the opportunity to learn about the culture and history of Polish.

The organizers and participants recognized that the XV International Scientific Conference and the XII Symposium of Young Researchers held under the common name "Transport Problems" was an unquestionable success. All scientists and practitioners interested in exchanging experiences in this discipline are invited to the next edition, which will take place on 17-21.06.2024.

Plenary session of the conference

Speeches of the conference patrons: Rector of the Silesian University of Technology prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk and Mayor of Katowice dr. Marcin Krupa

The General Director of the Institute of Control Systems prof. Ali Abbasov and the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk sign a Cooperation Agreement (MoU)

Participants of the symposium during a visit to a modern traffic control center in Tychy equipped with an intelligent traffic control system ITS

Conference participants visiting the ruins of the Royal Castle in Olsztyn near Częstochowa

Conference participants during their visit to the Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra

Conference participants during a visit to the Dietl Palace in Sosnowiec


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