Award of the title of Professor Honoris Causa of DIIT

The Dnieper National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DIIT), founded in 1930, is one of the most famous transport universities in the countries of the former USSR. Collaboration of prof. A. Sładkowski with this university has a long history. The first scientific papers on the rolling of elastic bodies and the study of microslip, which were carried out under the scientific supervision of academician V.I. Mossakovsky, was reviewed by professor DIIT V.S. Gubenko in the early 1980s. Then, new profiles of the working surfaces of wagons and locomotives, which were developed with the participation of A. Sładkowski, were analyzed at DIIT by scientists led by prof. E.P. Blokhin and O.M. Savchuk. Joint testing of wheels with these profiles was carried out using a special laboratory-wagon of DIIT. After defending his doctoral dissertation (habilitation) by A. Sładkowski in 1997, he became a member of the specialized council of DIIT in the specialty 05.22.07 “Rolling stock of railways and train traction”. Cooperation with DIIT continued even when prof. A. Sładkowski began working at the Silesian University of Technology. This interaction was carried out at various levels. As A. Sładkowski repeatedly came to Dnepropetrovsk and made presentations at conferences at DIIT, so DIIT scientists spoke many times at conferences, symposiums and meetings held in Katowice under the leadership of A. Sładkowski. DIIT employees were repeatedly published in the journal „Transport Problems”, where their articles were edited taking into account the criticisms of the editor-in-chief. The Silesian University of Technology together with DIIT were partners in the implementation of the project “Communication and Information Technology for Improvement Safety and Efficiency of Traffic Flows: EU-RU-UA Master and PhD Programs in Intelligent Transport Systems” (CITISET), which was carried out in 2012-2016 in the framework of the TEMPUS program and received a positive assessment of the European scientific and educational community.

The results of the joint research described above became the basis for considering the candidacy of prof. A. Sładkowski as Honorary Professor of DIIT (Professor Honoris Causa), which is the highest recognition of the specified university, which can be awarded to a foreign scientist. In October 2019, the Scientific Council of DIIT during the vote expressed a unanimous opinion on the appropriateness of assigning this title, on the basis of which the rector of DIIT prof. A.N. Pshinko signed the diploma shown in the photograph.

Diploma about award of the title of Honorary Professor of DIIT

According to the Regulation on conferring the honorary titles of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, the title “Honorary Professor of the University” is awarded to the scientific and pedagogical or scientific staff of other universities that have made a significant contribution to the development of education and science in the profile of the University. In January 2020, the First Vice-Rector of DIIT prof. B.E. Bodnar handed over prof. A. Sładkowski the above diploma and a commemorative star.

First Vice-Rector of DIIT prof. B.E. Bodnar rewards prof. A. Sładkowski by diploma and a commemorative star of Honorary Professor of DIIT


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