
Prof. A. Sładkowski is currently the Coordinator for International Relations and Coordinator of the ERASMUS+ and CEEPUS programs at the Faculty of Transport. Each type of his activities in varying degrees is associated with international activities. These issues are reflected in sections of activities (educational, scientific and organizational). It is quite obvious, and this is reflected in these texts that he is engaged in such activities is not himself, but in cooperation with the management of the Faculty and its teaching and technical staff. Therefore, this section will list only the programs and organizations (universities) who interacts with the Faculty of Transport. It is obvious that prof. A. Sładkowski pays a lot of attention for these contacts directly.

The program ERASMUS+. Bilateral agreement:

Belgium. Antwerp. University of Charlemagne.

Bulgaria. Angel Kanchev University of Ruse.

Bulgaria. Sofia. Technical University.

Bulgaria. Sofia. Todor Kableshkov University of Transport.

Bulgaria. Sofia. University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy.

Croatia. Polytechnic in Šibenik.

Croatia. University of Zagreb.

Czech Republic. Prague. Czech Technical University.

Czech Republic. Technical University of Ostrava.

Czech Republic. University of Pardubice.

France. University of Bordeaux I.

France. University of Toulouse II-Le Mirail.

France. Villejuif. School of Engineering "Networks, embedded systems and mobile communications."

Germany. Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

Great Britain. Cranfield University.

Greece. Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus.

Hungary. University of Szeged.

Italy. Sapienza University of Rome.

Italy. University of Pisa.

Lithuania. Kaunas University of Technology.

Lithuania. Vilnius College of Technology and Design.

Lithuania. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

Macedonia. Bitola. University of St. Clement of Ohrid.

Portugal. Covilha. University of Beira Interior.

Rumania. Polytechnic University of Bucharest.

Slovenia. Maribor. Professional College of Traffic and Transportation.

Slovenia. University of Ljubljana.

Slovenia. University of Maribor.

Slovakia. Technical University of Kosice.

Slovakia. University of Zilina.

The program ERASMUS+. Project SmaLog (2017-2020):

Georgia. Batumi State Maritime Academy.

Georgia. Tbilisi. Georgian Technical University.

Germany. Wismar. University of Applied Sciences.

Great Britain. University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Italy. Sapienza University of Rome.

Italy. University of Rome Tor Vergata (project coordinator).

Ukraine. Kyiv. National Transport University.

Ukraine. Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Ukraine. Odessa. Institute for Market Problems and Economic-and-Ecological Research.

Ukraine. O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.

Ukraine. Zhytomyr State Technological University.

The program ERASMUS. Targeted projects:

Great Britain. Newcastle. Summer School RailNewcastle (2013, 2014)

The program TEMPUS IV. Project CITISET (2011-2015):

Great Britain. University of Southampton.

Latvia. Riga. Transport and Telecommunication Institute.

Russia. Moscow State University of Railway Engineering.

Russia. Murmansk State Technical University.

Russia. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (project coordinator).

Russia. Samara State Technical University.

Russia. JSC "Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time."

Sweden. Linköping University.

Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport.

Ukraine. National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute".

Ukraine. Odessa National Maritime University.

Ukraine. Zhytomyr State Technological University.

The program TEMPUS IV. Project GREENMA (2012-2016):

Great Britain. University of London City.

Spain. University of Alicante.

Italy. University of Genoa (project coordinator).

Italy. TICASS association.

Russia. Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Russia. Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Russia. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology.

Russia. North Ossetian State University. KL Khetagurova.

Russia. Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

Russia. Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Russia. Tambov State Technical University.

Russia. Tyumen State University of Civil Engineering.

Russia. Yekaterinburg. Ural Federal University named after the first President BN Yeltsin.

Russia. Vladimir State University.

Russia. Voronezh State University of Architecture and Construction.

Russia. Yekaterinburg. Institute for Energy Conservation of the Sverdlovsk region.

Russia. The Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

Russia. Union of Builders of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Russia. Administration of the Tambov region.

Russia. JSC "Energomera".

The program CEEPUS. Project TransLog4ComAd (2011-2013):

Bosnia and Herzegovina. University of East Sarajevo.

Czech Republic. University of Pardubice.

Macedonia. Bitola. University of St. Kliment Ohridski.

Rumania. Polytechnic University of Bucharest.

Serbia. University of Novi Sad (project coordinator).

Slovakia. University of Žilina.

Slovenia. University of Maribor.

Slovenia. University of Ljubljana.

The program CEEPUS. Project FINALIST (2017-2018):

Czech Republic. Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice.

Czech Republic. Tomas Bata University in Zlín.

Croatia. University of Rijeka.

Croatia. University of Zagreb.

Hungary. Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Macedonia. Bitola. University of St. Kliment Ohridski.

Poland. University of Gdansk.

Rumania. Polytechnic University of Timisoara.

Serbia. Belgrade University.

Serbia. University of Novi Sad (project coordinator).

Slovenia. Catholic Institute in Ljubljana

Slovenia. University of Ljubljana.

Slovakia. University of Žilina.

Slovakia. Technical University of Košice.

Bilateral agreements on academic cooperation:

Croatia. University of Zagreb.

Czech Republic. Technical University of Ostrava.

Georgia. Tbilisi. Georgian Technical University.

Iceland. Reykjavik University.

Italy. University of Pisa.

Kazakhstan. Almaty. Central Asian University.

Kazakhstan. Almaty. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev.

Kazakhstan. Almaty. Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I. Satpaev.

Kazakhstan. Almaty. L.B. Goncharov Kazakh Road Academy.

Latvia. Riga Technical University.

Macedonia. Bitola. University of St. Kliment Ohridski.

Russia. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University.

Russia. Kazan Federal University.

Russia. Rostov State Transport University.

Russia. Samara State Technical University.

Russia. Tambov State Technical University.

Russia. Yekaterinburg. Ural State University of Railway Transport.

Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport
named after academician V. Lazaryan.

Ukraine. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.

Ukraine. Kharkiv. Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport.

Ukraine. Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Ukraine. Mariupol. Azov State Technical University.

Ukraine. Odessa. National Maritime University.

Ukraine. O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv.

Ukraine. Severodonetsk. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

Ukraine. Zhytomyr State Technological University.

Uzbekistan. Tashkent Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.

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