
  1. Sładkowski, A. & Kuminek, T. Influence of the FE discretization on accuracy of calculation of contact stress in a system wheel – rail. In: Proceedings 3rd Scientific Conference “New Trends in Transport and Communications”. Pardubice: Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice. 2003. P. 13-18. ISBN 80-7194-565-X. Attachment
  2. Sładkowski, A. & Sitarz, M. To the question of improvement of profiles of railways wheels. In: Mechanics and Tribology of Transport Systems: Book of Reports of International Congress „Mechtribotrans – 2003”. Book 2. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Transport University. 2003. P. 239-243. ISBN 5-88814-136-4. Attachment
  3. Sitarz, M. & Sładkowski, A. & Janeczek, T. & Kuminek, T. Use of ANSYS and NASTRAN programs in railway elements calculations. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University. Transport and Engineering, Sērija 6. Railway Transportation. 2001. Vol. 4. P. 90-101. ISSN 1407-8015. Attachment
  4. Sładkowski, A. & Sitarz, M. & Bizoń, K. The analysis of finite elements mesh generation for different railway wheels. In: Transport Means – 2002 / Proceedings of the International Conference. Kaunas: Technologija. 2002. P. 245-249. ISBN 9955-09-289-0. Attachment
  5. Sitarz, M. & Sładkowski, A. & Chruzik, K. Analiza wytrzymałościowa połączenia montażowego koło – oś. Zeszyty naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Transport. 2001. No. 42 (1524). P. 57-66. ISSN 0209-3324. [In Polish: Sitarz, M. & Sladkowski, A. & Chruzik, K. Strength analysis of the wheel-axle mounting assembly]. Attachment


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