
  1. Panchuk, M. & Kryshtopa, S. & Sładkowski, A. & Kryshtopa, L. & Klochko, N. & Romanyshyn, T. & Panchuk, A. & Mandryk, I. Efficiency of production of motor biofuels for water and land transport. Naše more. 2019. Vol. 66. No. 3 Supplement. P. 4-10. ISSN 0469-6255. Attachment
  2. Sładkowski, A. & Ruban, V. Types of special-form mills defects for KZH20 machine-tool. Scientific Journal of the TNTU. 2020. No. 2(98). P. 80-90. ISSN 2522-4433. Attachment
  3. Sładkowski, A. (ed.) IX Int. Sci. Conf. & VI Int. Symposium of Young Researchers „Transport Problems’2017”. Conference Proceedings Katowice: Silesian University of Technology. Faculty of Transport. 2017. 871 p. ISBN 978-83-945717-4-0. Attachment
  4. Sładkowski, A. Czy budowa Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego będzie okazją do stworzenia nowoczesnej sieci kolejowej w Polsce?. Polska Gazeta Transportowa. 2018. Vol. XXV. No. 38-39 (1240). P. 10. ISSN 1230-7599. [In Polish: Sladkowski, A. Will the construction of the Central Communication Port be an opportunity to create a modern railway network in Poland?]. Attachment
  5. Sładkowski, A. & Cieśla, M. & Krupa, B. Evaluation of Transport Processes Quality with Servqual and TUL Methods. LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 2. P. 61-72. ISSN 2336-3037. Attachment


Meeting of transport scientists from all over the world in Katowice

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"Transport Problems" is not only the title of the scientific journal published by the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), but also the name of...


Visit to Azerbaijan once again

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BIP project “Modern logistics and transport solutions”

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Important visit to Uzbekistan

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