Successes of foreign students and PhD students

Prof. A. Sładkowski devotes a lot of time to training students and PhD students, including among citizens of other countries. Sometimes this is a rather lengthy process, during which foreign doctoral students undergo internships in Poland. Usually, they require the writing of articles that must be published in well-known journals included in the SCOPUS and WoS scientometric databases. All the more significant is the successful defense of dissertations, which are carried out under his scientific supervision. On November 23, two dissertations were defended at Satpayev University, in which prof. A. Sładkowski was co-supervisor.

Title slide of the presentation by Akzharkyn Igbayeva on the topic "Research and development of technology for the manufacture of pump casings from fiber-reinforced concrete"

The defense of this dissertation work was carried out in the Kazakh language. Prof. A. Sładkowski is a permanent member of the Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 8D07110 - Digital Engineering of Machines and Equipment, which operates at Satpayev University. The meeting was held according to a mixed methodology, i.е. most of the Council members were present in the meeting room, while several professors from other cities in Kazakhstan, as well as Poland, participated remotely online.

During the defense, the PhD student answers questions from members of the Council

Members of the Council participating in the meeting online

The second thesis was defended in Russian. Here, the number of Council members who participated online was a little higher. Both defenses were held at a high level, which testified to the good preparation of applicants. Therefore, it is not surprising that the decision to award the required degree was adopted by all members of the council unanimously.

Title slide of the presentation by Guldana Akanova on the topic "Improvement of the design of turbomachines with coaxial arrangement of impellers"

Council members participating in the online meeting during the second defense

But not only abroad, but our students also have significant success. The first defenses of master's theses by foreign students took place at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. The first student who successfully defended his thesis was Lebanese citizen Jason Bassil. He prepared a paper entitled "Rehabilitation of the Transport Infrastructure of the Port of Beirut". This defense took place on July 5, 2022. Etemcan Bozkurt, Gemta Emiru, and Eyerusalme Dagne became the next foreign students who successfully defended their theses and received the title of master engineer. Their defenses took place on 16 November. All the above theses were completed by students under the guidance of prof. A. Sładkowski.

Prof. A. Sładkowski with "newly minted" masters after their successful defense: Gemta Emiru and Eyerusalme Dagne (left), Etemcan Bozkurt (right)


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