The Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering is attractive to foreign students and trainees

It's no secret that at present the prestige of the university depends not only on the number of significant publications, on the development of the laboratory base, the availability of large library collections, publishing activities, and much more, but also on its activities in the international arena. The university should be attractive to foreign students who would like to study at this university, as well as specialists who are undergoing scientific and practical training. The Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology is trying to take such a place among the leading faculties in Poland.

In this regard, the success of the faculty in the field of expanding international contacts was repeatedly noted. The faculty initiated the signing of a number of international agreements that were signed by the rectors of universities, which provides great opportunities for students, PhD students, and faculty members to implement overseas mobilities within the ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, MoU, and other programs.

Currently, 2 students from Kazakhstan and 1 student from Uzbekistan are studying at the faculty under double degree programs. In the near future, a doctoral student from Kazakhstan is coming for a long-term internship. Our students also have the opportunity to implement mobility. For example, according to the plans for the next 2023/24 academic year, 8 students of the faculty are planning to travel to Spain, Italy, and Germany as part of the ERASMUS+ program.

1-13.04.2023 an internship was held for 9 students of Satpayev University (Almaty). This is one of the largest and most prestigious universities in Kazakhstan. Dr. habil. Lukasz Konieczny met with the students., then dr. Szymon Surma showed the students the railway traffic control laboratory and also introduced the guests to the issues related to railway transport, which are being implemented at the faculty.

Another day was devoted to familiarizing students with laboratories and training workshops related to the design and operation of automotive vehicles at our faculty. The visit was organized by dr. habil. Zbigniew Stanik, together with dr. habil. Grzegorz Kubica and MSc Wioletta Cybulska. The general coordination was carried out by dr. habil. Maria Cieśla. Thanks to the care of faculty members, the trainees also had the opportunity to take part in training sessions held at the faculty, for example, devoted to achievements in the field of materials science, which were conducted by prof. Tomasz Węgrzyn.

Dr. habil. Zbigniew Stanik with Kazakh trainees in the training workshop of the Department of Road Transport

Meeting of Kazakh students - trainees with prof. A. Sładkowski, coordinator for international relations

A two-month internship at our faculty was also dr. David Meskhishvili from Georgia. He is the President of the Association of Technical Inspection Centers of Georgia, Chairman of the Georgian Transport and Roads Association. Our Georgian colleague was interested in the issues of traffic organization in the Silesian urban agglomeration, issues of legal analysis of traffic accidents, and problems of vehicle operation. We hope that the meetings of our colleague with dr. habil. Aleksander Sobota, deputy director of the Transport Administration of the Silesian Agglomeration; with dr. Bogusław Śleziak, forensic expert; with dr. habil. Grzegorz Karoń, together with several other professors and researchers of the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Technology, made it possible to find answers to many questions that are of interest to Georgian transport workers. For example, dr. David Meskhishvili got acquainted with the functioning of the Vehicle Control Station "AUTO - LAMBDA" S.C. in Mysłowice. He also visited the training center of Magneti Marelli Aftermarket, which cooperates with our faculty. Colleague D. Meskhishvili also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of our region.

Dr. David Meskhishvili with Polish colleagues during a visit to the Car Control Station "AUTO - LAMBDA" S.C.

David Meskhishvili (right) together with Aleksander Sładkowski during a visit to the Jasna Góra Monastery


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