Visit of prof. A. Sładkowski to the "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" State University

At the turn of April and May 2021, prof. Aleksander Sładkowski to the "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" State University (ZPSU). This trip was planned as part of the SmaLog project, which is implemented under the Erasmus + KA2 program. It took place in the special conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore, the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology gave permission to implement this mobility. In addition to classes with students, meetings with prof. A. Sładkowski with the management of the above-mentioned renowned university. The main topic of the meetings with vice-rectors, deans, and heads of departments was the discussion on the further development of international cooperation, primarily in the field of didactics. While preparing for the visit, a team of employees of the Silesian University of Technology headed by vice-rector prof. Marek Pawełczyk developed a number of proposals for the Ukrainian side. These proposals were received with great interest and now we will wait for the further development of the above-mentioned cooperation. Possible solutions that will satisfy the employees of ZPSU may serve as the basis for expanding cooperation with other countries east of Poland.

Meeting of prof. Aleksander Sładkowski with the management of the ZPSU

Together with Dr. Vasyl Mamray, head of the International Cooperation Department of the ZPSU

One of the lectures by prof. A. Sładkowski for students of ZPSU


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