Залізнична рейка

Єсаулов, В.П. & Таран, Ю.М. & Плiскановський, С.Т. & Мiтiн, Н.Ф. & Єсаулов, О.Т. & Євдокименко, Р.Я. & Сахно, В.О. & Ковальченко, В.I. & Сiвцов, Н.Ф. & Раханський, Б.Й. & Ремпель, О.Г. & Краснобаєв, Ю.В. & Вiсторовський, М.Т. & Шевченко, Є.I. & Сладковський, О.В. & Бардусов, В.М. & Хаба, I.I.

(In Ukrainian)
Railway rail
Yesaulov, V.P. & Taran, Yu.M. & Pliskanovsky, S.T. & Mithin, N.F. & Yesaulov, O.T. & Evdokimenko, R.Ya. & Sakhno, V.O. & Kovalchenko, V.I. & Sivtsov, N.F. & Rakhansky, B.Ya. & Rempel, O.G. & Krasnobaev, Yu.V. & Vistorovskii, MT & Shevchenko, Ye.I. & Sladkowski, A. & Bardusov, V.M. & Haba, I.I.


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Visit of the Rector of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies

2025-02-15 00:00

On February 12-14, 2025, the Rector of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies (SUICT, Kyiv) dr. Volodymyr Shulga visited the Faculty of...


Cooperation with Ukrainian universities

2024-12-16 00:00

The Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology (SUT) has a rich history of cooperation with various universities in...


Meetings and discussions in Tashkent

2024-12-11 00:00

Returning from a business trip to China, prof. A. Sładkowski planned a visit to the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent. This visit was due to the need to meet with...


Next Defense at Satpayev University

2024-12-10 00:00

For 14 years, prof. Aleksander Sładkowski has been collaborating with colleagues from Satpayev University (Kazakhstan, Almaty). He has repeatedly conducted lecture...
