
  1. Sładkowski, A. & Haniszewski, T. Transport Problems. Biuletyn Politechniki Śląskiej. 2011. No. 8-9 (222-223). P. 32-33. ISSN 1689-8192. [In Polish: Sladkowski, A. & Haniszewski, T. Transport Problems]. Attachment
  2. Сладковский, А. Клуб логистической практики. Проблемы логистических затрат: от понимания до регистрации и учета (Материалы блиц-опроса экспертов). Логистика: Проблемы и решения. 2011. No. 3. P. 29-30. [In Russian: Sladkowski, A. Logistic practice club. Problems of logistics costs: from understanding to registration and accounting (Materials of a blitz-survey of experts)]. Attachment
  3. Sitarz, M. & Sładkowski, A. & Żurek, Z. Research of influence of surface profiles for different wheel – rail pair on distribution of contact stresses. In: Ekberg, A. & Kabo, E. & Ringsberg, J. (eds.) Proceedings 6th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems. Vol. I. Gothenburg: CHARMEC. 2003. P. 259–264. ISBN 91-631-3928-6. Attachment
  4. Sladkowski, A. & Sitarz, M. & Sladkowski, J. Research of the stresses in the large-grain gearings. In: Dašić, P. (ed.) Proceedings of 3rd International Conference "Research and Development in Mechani-cal Industry" RaDMI 2003, Volume 3. Trstenik, Kruševac, Podgorica: High Technical Mechanical School, Institute IMK "14. October", Institute of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. 2004. P. 1451–1455. ISBN 86-83803-08-2. Attachment
  5. Sładkowski, A. „Transport Problems 2020” łączy naukowców branży transportowej. Biuletyn Politechniki Śląskiej. 2021. No. 12 (324). P. 26. ISSN 1689-8192. [In Polish: Sladkowski, A. “Transport Problems 2020” brings together scientists from the transport industry]. Attachment


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