
  1. Сладковски, А. Ценообразование должно быть прозрачным. Гудок. 2017. No. 120 (26259). P. 5. [In Russian: Sladkowski, A. Pricing should be transparent]. Attachment
  2. Sładkowski, A. Forum naukowców branży transportowej. Biuletyn Politechniki Śląskiej. 2017. No. 6-7 (293-294). P. 28-29. ISSN 1689-8192. [In Polish: Sladkowski, A. Forum of transport industry researchers]. Attachment
  3. Sladkowski, A.V. & Kyrychenko, Y.O. & Kogut, P.I. & Samusya, V.I. & Kolosov, D.l. Innovative designs of pumping deep-water hydrolifts based on progressive multiphase non-equilibrium models. Naukovyi Visnyk NHU. 2019. No. 2(170). P. 51-57. ISSN 2071-2227. Attachment
  4. Sładkowski, A. Conference and journal “Transport Problems”. What's new?. Transport Problems. 2017. Vol. 12. No. Special Edition. P. 5-10. ISSN 1896-0596. Attachment
  5. Sitarz, M. & Sładkowski, A. & Bizon, K. & Chruzik, K. Designing of railway wheels. Part 1: Finite element method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F: Journal of rail and rapid transit. 2005. Vol. 219. No. 2. P. 91-110. ISSN 0954-4097. Attachment


Meeting of transport scientists from all over the world in Katowice

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"Transport Problems" is not only the title of the scientific journal published by the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), but also the name of...


Visit to Azerbaijan once again

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The ERASMUS+ program is initially aimed at developing cooperation in the field of education. Within its framework, it is possible to exchange teachers, staff, doctoral...


BIP project “Modern logistics and transport solutions”

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The Erasmus+ program is actually a complex of various programs aimed at developing education primarily in the countries that form the EU, but also in countries that...


Important visit to Uzbekistan

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November 13–21 prof. Aleksander Sładkowski visited Uzbekistan. The objectives of this visit were to visit several Uzbek universities and expand cooperation with...
