Further cooperation within the framework of the CEEPUS program

The CEEPUS program, its tasks, and implementation possibilities have already been repeatedly described in previous messages. Over the years, the Silesian University of Technology has been involved in several projects that have been implemented within the framework of this program. The Silesian University of Technology is currently participating in the FINALIST project. Such projects receive funding for one academic year, and project participants must apply each year to continue the project in the next year. In fact, the FINALIST project has organized a network of universities (faculties) that have been working together for many years. The continuation of project financing for the 2023/24 academic year has now been signed. In the next academic year, 27 faculties from Central European countries will participate in the network described above.

The mobility of prof. Elzbieta Macioszek to the University of Novi Sad (Serbia), Faculty of Technical Sciences has already been implemented in the current academic year 05.02 - 11.02.2023. As part of this mobility, classes were held with Serbian students. Assistant dr. Wojciech Kamiński, as a young scientist, completed a one-month internship (05.03 - 08.04.2023) at the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management of Thomas Bata University in Zlín (Czech Republic). Return visits of foreign professors are planned at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology.

Prof. A. Sładkowski, as the coordinator from the Silesian University of Technology, participated in two mobility in Hungary and Romania. In particular, his mobility in March 2023 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Szeged was combined with the Week of the CEEPUS program organized at this university. In addition to classes with students, there were meetings with the leadership of this university, and an exchange of information with colleagues from other universities, who also took part both in the event itself and in this program. The organizers of this Week invited the meeting participants to visit the factory of Sole-Mizo ZRT, the leading dairy products processor in Hungary. The visit to this factory was interesting from the point of view of automating the processes of intra-factory transportation, warehousing, as well as logistics for the delivery of raw materials and distribution of finished products.

During classes with students of the University of Szeged

Participants of the meeting at the Faculty of Engineering during the Week of the CEEPUS Program

During a conference with dr. Istvan Biro, dean of the Faculty of Engineering

Sole-Mizo ZRT factory visit

Visit of prof. A. Sładkowski to Romania took place in April 2023. During this visit, in addition to classes, meetings were held with the leadership of the Polytechnic University in Timisoara. During the meetings, issues of dual diplomas for students of the first and second levels of study, the possibility of studying Romanian PhD students at the doctoral school of the Silesian University of Technology, as well as other issues of international cooperation were discussed.

Meeting at the rector's office of the Polytechnic University in Timisoara on international cooperation. Left to right: prof. Daniel Dan, vice-rector; prof. Aleksander Sładkowski; prof. Marian Mocan, dean of the Faculty of Management in Production and Transport; prof. Claudiu-Tiberiu Albulescu, head of the Department for International Relations

During this mobility prof. A. Sładkowski also visited the factory of Valeo Lighting Injection SA in Timisoara. This company is one of the world leaders in the production of headlights and other lighting products. It has a number of production facilities in several European countries and produces and sells innovative designs for major car manufacturers around the world. During a meeting with leading employees of this company, issues of work internships for Polish students, as well as employment opportunities for graduates, were discussed.

Meeting participants at the factory of Valeo Lighting Injection SA in Timisoara. Left to right: prof. Marian Mocan, dean of the Faculty of Management in Production and Transport; prof. Aleksander Sładkowski; Delia Izvernari, country human resources director; Adrian Dreava, site industrial manager


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