Visit to Sofia and Ruse

At the beginning of November 2022, prof. A. Sładkowski made a visit to the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACG, Sofia, Bulgaria). The Silesian University of Technology has long-term scientific and pedagogical contacts with Bulgarian colleagues. This visit took place within the framework of the Erasmus program, which involves work with students and PhD students, which was carried out. It can be emphasized here that this is not the first visit under this program. In addition to the above, discussions were held with the leadership of the specified university on the possibilities of further cooperation, especially within the framework of dual degree programs at each level of training. During the visit prof. A. Sładkowski got acquainted with the laboratory base of the Bulgarian university, noting its significant development in recent years. A particularly interesting area, which is developing intensively in UACG, is transport construction, and especially new solutions in the field of maintenance of track facilities in Bulgaria.

Prof. Aleksander Sładkowski together with UACG vice-rector for European integration and international cooperation, prof. Stoyo Todorov visit the laboratory of transport construction

There was another reason for this visit, which was related to the anniversary of the UACG. These days the Bulgarian university celebrated the 80th anniversary of its founding. At the ceremonial meeting, prof. A. Sładkowski presented the rector of the UACG with an official congratulation on behalf of the leadership of the Silesian University of Technology, which was signed by the vice-rector prof. Bogusław Łazarz, since it was prof. Łazarz was at the forefront of this international cooperation as the dean of the Faculty of Transport.

Prof. Ivan Markov, the rector of UACG, speaks during the ceremonial meeting

It was a significant event in the life of the Bulgarian capital, so it is not surprising that many significant people came to congratulate the staff and students of UACG. For example, the heads of a number of Bulgarian ministries spoke, and the rectors of several universities took part in the celebrations. Accordingly, there was an opportunity to once again meet with colleagues from other Bulgarian universities with which the Silesian University of Technology has established international cooperation.

On the sidelines of the meeting with colleagues from the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport: rector, prof. Daniela Todorova (right) and vice-dean, dr. Nina Gergova (left)

To this solemn event was also dedicated the international conference, where prof. A. Sładkowski made a presentation.

The next point of the visit was the city of Ruse. The Silesian University of Technology and the University of Ruse have particularly strong ties. Representatives of these universities repeatedly participated in conferences held by these universities in their countries, there were joint grants, joint articles and monographs were published. During this visit prof. A. Sładkowski met with the leadership of the University of Ruse, where they discussed issues of expanding cooperation, in particular, in the field of possible double diplomas.

Meeting prof. A. Sładkowski with teachers and staff of the Transport Department of the University of Ruse


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