Are there limits to international cooperation?

Such a somewhat rhetorical question was put in the title of this news, not by chance. From the end of November - the beginning of December 2022, prof. A. Sładkowski visited Vilnius. The Silesian University of Technology has long-standing scientific and pedagogical contacts with the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU). Exchanges of students and teachers take place, university staff participates in conferences organized by friendly universities, articles and monographs are jointly published, and joint scientific research takes place within the framework of various international projects. There are many other aspects of joint activity. There is an opportunity for cooperation in the field of publishing, as universities publish journals that are close to the subject matter. For example, the scientific journal "Transport" has been publishing VGTU for many years. The scientific journal "Problems of Transport" is published by the Silesian University of Technology. Long-standing contacts have been established between the editorial boards, with the Polish editorial staff often taking advice from the more experienced Lithuanian journal, which has been published since 1986, while the Polish journal began operations in 2006. This situation is not surprising, since VGTU is a regional leader in the field of publishing. VGTU publishes 8 technology journals, 5 social science journals, and 3 multidisciplinary scientific journals. Some of these journals occupy high positions in the SCOPUS and WoS scientometric databases.

Visit of prof. A. Sładkowski was very intense. He conducted a series of lectures, laboratory, and practical classes for VGTU students of the first and second levels of training in the amount of 20 hours under the general title "Using numerical methods for the design of transport equipment." As part of this cycle, students got the opportunity to get acquainted with the dynamics and strength of various means of transport, modeling their structures and individual parts using MathCAD, Universal Mechanism, or MSC.MARC.

Lecture by prof. Aleksander Sładkowski for students of VGTU, dedicated to the use of numerical methods for the design of transport equipment

A discussion was also held with the Director of International Relations Office of VGTU Aušra Pelėdienė, as well as the leadership of the Faculty of Transport Engineering, on the issues of further development of scientific and pedagogical cooperation. Particular attention was paid to the possibility of double diplomas for students and PhD students.

Meeting of colleagues at the Faculty of Transport Engineering (from left to right): dean of the faculty, prof. Olegas Prentkovskis; prof. Aleksander Sładkowski; head Department of Mobile Machinery and Railway Transport prof. Marijonas Bogdevičius; assoc. prof. Gediminas Vaičiūnas

Returning to the question of the title of this news, we note that international activity sometimes knows no boundaries. Modern means of communication make it possible to participate in various events, such as conferences, symposiums, meetings, etc., being in different countries, and sometimes on different continents. In this case, prof. A. Sładkowski, while in Vilnius, participated in the conference in Almaty. The specified International scientific and practical conference "Innovative development of the industry of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions" was held on November 30, 2022. It was attended by representatives of universities and industrial enterprises from various regions of Kazakhstan. Prof. A. Sładkowski presented at the conference a report entitled "Opportunities for developing cooperation in the field of education between Kazakhstan and Poland".

Screenshot during the speech of prof. A. Sładkowski at a conference in Kazakhstan

During a recent visit to Bulgaria prof. A. Sładkowski visited Ruse. It was planned that the time of the visit would coincide with the ceremonial events that were planned in November. These events were dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Transport Faculty of the University of Rousse. Unfortunately, this anniversary was postponed to December 1, and since prof. A. Sładkowski was currently in Lithuania, his participation could only be virtual. However, thanks to modern means of communication, this has been achieved. During his speech on behalf of the leadership of the Silesian University of Technology, prof. A. Sładkowski congratulated the Bulgarian colleagues, wishing them further success and fruitful cooperation between our universities.

Virtual presentation by prof. A. Sładkowski at the anniversary meeting of the Transport Faculty of the University of Ruse


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