
A. Sładkowski received the first experience of pedagogical work during study at Dnepropetrovsk State University (DSU), where as a graduate student he was the organizer and leader of the mathematical circle in high school no. 74 in 1975-77.

Regular classes with students A. Sładkowski began in 1980 as an assistant (secondary job) of the Computer Software Department of DSU. These were the lectures and practical classes on programming and computing methods.

Change of employment for Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute (DMetI) in 1987 helped to change the profile of activities, even though a certain time A. Sładkowski continued classes with students of DSU. For students of DMetI A. Sładkowski first as an assistant and then as an associate professor and professor organized lectures, practical and laboratory classes on courses "Machine Parts", "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", "Dynamics of Machines".

A. Sładkowski widely used computer equipment in his teaching practice. For example, a special program was written by him for students of non-mechanical specialties. The program allows to automate the calculation of a single-stage gearbox and perform calculations in interactive mode [88]. In [86, 89] describes the experience of the use of computer technology for the training of specialists of mechanical profile in DMetI (NMetAU).

Another focus of pedagogical activity for prof. A. Sładkowski was the preparation of PhD students. Under his scientific supervision finished postgraduate studies I. Gondar and V. Ruban. As the result of their research was published a series of joint research works [98, 99, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 132, 133, 140, 151, 187, 188, 213].

As a professor since 1997 A. Sładkowski conducted classes for students of the State Institute for Training and Retraining of Metallurgical Industry Personnel in Dnepropetrovsk and Nikopol. He carried out training courses on "Machine Parts" and "Programming".

Since 2000, prof. A. Sładkowski has been working at the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), first at the Department of Rail Transport, and then at the Department of Logistics and Industrial Transportation on the positions of professor extraordinary and ordinary (full prof.). In 2009 he was elected on the position of Head of Department (re-elected in 2013).

At the Department of Rail Transport he has lectured on the following subjects: "Methods and Techniques of vehicles research"; "Dynamics and Vibrations of Rail Rolling Stock"; "The Use of Numerical Methods for the Design of Rail Vehicles"; "The Theory of the Movement of Rail Rolling Stock"; "The Theory of Drive and Braking"; " Drive and Control of Rail Rolling Stock"; as well as management of the course and diploma works on specialty "Operation and Maintenance of Vehicles". In 2003 he had a months traineeship at the Manchester Metropolitan University.

Prof. A. Sładkowski change his job for the Department of Logistics and Industrial Transportation in 2006, where he lectured on subjects such as: "Technical Mechanics", "Strength of Materials", "Dynamics of Machines", "Bearing Structures». Also, he conducts seminars and supervises postgraduate year courses "Transport Logistics".

Under the supervision of prof. A. Sładkowski were prepared and defended a lot of master's and engineering graduation projects. A. Sładkowski practices teaching methods of an approach based on the principle that scientific and applied orientation of graduation project is reasonable. Some of the students receive awards from well-known companies and organizations. For example, concern "Fiat" awarded mr. A. Furich for the master's graduation project. Not surprising, therefore, that many student works also finished with joint publications in scientific journals or conference proceedings [100, 157, 179, 191, 192, 201, 202, 203, 204, 212, 216, 217, 225, 237, 243, 246, 256, 283, 285].

Prof. Sładkowski devotes much time for scientific leadership with PhD students. A large number of publications written with postgraduate students can confirm this fact: [91, 92, 93, 97, 102, 103, 104, 105, 112, 115, 120, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 147, 148, 149, 150, 154, 155, 156, 157, 161, 162, 166, 167, 172, 173, 208, 210, 211, 215, 227, 232, 238, 239, 240, 246, 251, 255, 275, 291, 308, 328, 329, 331, 332, 333].

The result of as stated above approach PhD thesis is successfully defended: „Influence of the working surface profile of railway wheels on the interaction of the elements of the system wheel - rail” by T. Kuminek (2005, SUT, honours degree); „Analysis of measurement methods of control forces in turnout drives” by J. Młyńczak (2006, SUT); „Using the stress linearization method at the critical point for determining the fatigue life of welded aluminum structures” by T. Łukasik (2008, SUT, honours degree); „Modeling the dynamics of steel ropes in construction of transport machines” by T. Haniszewski (2013, SUT, honours degree); „Energy- and resource-saving equipment and technology for transportation of viscous oils and oil products” by E. Myrzahmetov (2013, KazNTU); „Justification of a rational transport system of an opencast mine based on the energy criterion” by A. Utegenova (2019, KazNRTU); „Ensuring the competitiveness of container trains along the transit corridors of the Republic of Kazakhstan” by Zh. Abdirassilov (2020, KazATK); „Development of proposals for improvements in the transport and logistics system of Kazakhstan” M. Izteleuova (2020, KazATK); „Improving the efficiency of wheelsets regeneration by milling working surfaces on KZh20 machine tools” by V. Ruban (2021, NMetAU); „Improving the efficiency of operation of pumping wells of uranium deposits using combined pumping units” by S. Toktamissova (2022, KazNRTU); „The impact of the development of logistics systems on the efficiency of functioning in the economy of Kazakhstan” by K. Sharipbekova (2022, ENU); „Development of a method for assessing the functioning of the railway network in selected regions of Poland” by W. Kamiński (2022, SUT); „Development of Smart-technology for control systems of complex objects based on artificial intelligence approaches” by T. Samigulin (2022, KazNRTU); „Research and development of technology for the manufacture of pump casings from fiber-reinforced concrete” by A. Igbayeva (2022, KazNRTU); „Improvement of the design of turbomachines with coaxial arrangement of impellers” by G. Akanova (2022, KazNRTU).

Prof. A. Sładkowski prepared and conducted series of author lectures for postgraduate students of the Faculty of Transport of SUT "Fundamentals of Classical Mechanics", "Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method", "Numerical Methods of Mechanics." The great help for the students of these subjects may be a monograph and simultaneously textbook [121].

Methodical work at the Faculty of Transport, in which prof. Sładkowski participates together with other leaders of the faculty, is described in [190, 199, 245].

Teaching and methodical work of prof. A. Sładkowski also reflected in the development together with DIIT (Dnipro) and MIIT (Moscow) training programs for graduate and postgraduate students in "Intelligent Transport Systems" (project CITISET of the program TEMPUS) [248, 252, 254, 264, 265, 287, 320] or together with KhAI textbook [290].

The international scientific and pedagogical activity of prof. A. Sładkowski is a separate aspect. Prof. A. Sładkowski participated in various European programs ERASMUS, TEMPUS, CEEPUS, has lectures at various universities. We can only list some of the cities: St. Petersburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir, Tambov, Kiev, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkov, Antwerp, Szeged, Vilnius, Klaipeda, Daugavpils, Riga, Livorno, Pisa, Covilha, Newcastle, Manchester, Sofia, Bucharest, Fontainebleau, Paris, Pardubice, Almaty, Tashkent, Baku, Maribor, Zagreb, Zilina, Porto, Jaen, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Bitola, Kaunas, Novi Sad, Batumi, Ruse, Constanta and many others. The important experience was participants not only of teachers from SUT, but also students in summer schools RailNewcastle in 2013 and 2014 [271].

In 2016-2018, A. Sładkowski participated in the work of the commission as a member of the expert panel for accreditation of doctoral (PhD) study programmes at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Zagreb, Croatia), Faculty of Maritime Studies (Rijeka, Croatia) and Faculty of Transport (Ruse, Bulgaria).

In 2017-2021, he participated in the work of the council for the defense of a doctoral dissertation and habilitation at the Universities of Ruse, Sofia (Bulgaria), and Almaty (Kazakhstan).

For his achievements in the field of education in Poland prof. A. Sładkowski in 2014 was awarded the Medal of the National Education Commission. In 2016 he was awarded the Badge "Distinguished for Silesian University of Technology".

Pedagogical merits of prof. A. Sładkowski was also evaluated at the international level. In particular, in 2013 Ural State University of Railway Transport (USURT, Ekaterinburg, Russia) awarded A. Sładkowski the title of professor honoris causa of USURT.

In the same year, A. Sładkowski was awarded in Szeged University (Hungary) with the title Excellent Cooperation Partner.

In 2019 the Dnieper National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DIIT, Ukraine) awarded A. Sładkowski the title of professor honoris causa.

In 2020, prof. dr. habil. A. Sładkowski received an individual award of the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology for his lifetime achievements.

In 2021, the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, awarded A. Sładkowski the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for outstanding merits in research and teaching.

Thus, we can summarize that prof. A. Sładkowski has wide experience of teaching and methodical works, constantly improving his own level and readily interacting with colleagues from other universities, with representatives of companies and organizations.

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